Dec 22, 2010 09:33
Young Adult Fiction:
Anna and the French Kiss, by Stephanie Perkins (****) [2010] - This is one of those addictively good books you might accidently stay up all night reading. Seventeen-year-old Anna Oliphant has lived her entire happy life in Atlanta, Georgia until her father decides on a whim that she should spend her last year of high school at an American boarding school in Paris.
While Anna would love to visit Paris, she hadn't planned on leaving her best friend, possible boyfriend, and entire life to live in a country where she doesn't even speak the language. Meredith, the girl next door, hears Anna crying in her room on her first night of boarding school and offers sympathy, hot chocolate, and an invitation into her group of friends. One of Meredith's friends turns out to be the boy every girl in the school has a crush on. Though St. Clair has charisma, great hair, and a British accent, Anna warns herself not to fall for him and instead to just be his friend.
Anna's a likable character. Her life in Paris is both realistically charming and difficult at the same time, as is her friendship with St. Clair. [For ages 12 and up. I read the eBook on Nook for Droid Phone.]
Life Highlights:
"Mrs. Evil Octopus" and Other Names I Should Totally Consider Using - I subbed this past Friday and Monday for a delightful first grade class. Their teacher found out she needed surgery unexpectedly a week before. So by Friday, when I arrived, they were mighty tired of subs.
I commiserated with them about how hard it is having a parade of substitute teachers when all they wanted was their own teacher back. Then I noted that it must be especially hard for them today because I was sure they were looking at me and noticed that secretly I was an evil octopus. Having an evil octopus for a sub is sooo annoying. They perked right up when I said this.
Apparently first graders are pro-evil octopus. Who knew? I had a fun two days being their teacher. I especially got a kick out of the students who raised their hands and said, "Mrs. Evil Octopus, can you explain this problem to me?"
4 stars,