Title: To Mom, Love Spencer
Rating: FRT/PG-13 (implied violence)
Pairings/Characters: Morgan/Reid, Diana Reid
Warnings: violence, implied mental illness, fluff
Disclaimer: I don’t own them. I put them away when I’m done.
Spoilers: Up to Season Four
Summary: A series of letters between Reid and his mother….and maybe someone else….
Author’s Note: written for
http://tafidadarling.livejournal.com for her constant encouragement and for the lack of Morgan/Reid in her life. :3 Merry Christmas!
To Mom,
The last case was a success. Hotch was dead-on in his profile of a middle-aged bachelor. We even pin-pointed his location down to a mile radius! Sometimes, when I realize just how much information we can get from a profile, I wonder how bad it would be if profiling skills were taught to the average person. What would be the repercussions of that?
These are the ideas that keep me up at night.
In other news, I finished reading all the books in my library again. It’s the third time, this week!
Miss you.
Love, Spencer
To Mom,
Did you know that, scientifically speaking, bumblebees are too heavy to fly? All science points to it being impossible but there they are anyway.
Sometimes I feel like a bumblebee. I’m the youngest FBI agent the BAU has ever had. I remember things that most people shouldn’t or can’t.
But I don’t think like that most of the time. It makes me too sad to think like that all the time.
I love you Mom.
Love, Spencer
To Mom,
I don’t understand it. Morgan has been on my case for the last couple days and when I finally call him on it, he retreats back to his desk like a wounded soldier. I mean, we’ve never been “best friends” but I think we still could be considered close. Lately, I don’t know, it seems like he is just plain angry at me. I keep getting flashbacks to being bullied as a kid. This has to stop.
Hope they are treating you well, Mom.
Love, Spencer.
To Mom,
I have now diagnosed Morgan as having bipolar disorder. One minute he’s seething, the next, he’s perfectly fine and is cracking jokes. Oddly enough, I seem to be the only one who is noticing this change of behavior. You would think that a room full of profilers would notice this. I talked to Prentiss but she didn’t seem to notice any changes with him at all. I know I’m not imagining it. He’s hiding something.
In other news, Tesla is four months old today! He has grown an odd little grey patch on his head and he actually meows now. It isn’t that pitiful moaning sound anymore that drove you crazy when we visited. He definitely takes after the Reid’s too. He figured out how to open the cat food container (which was ten feet off the ground, mind you) while I was away at work. I came home to find cat food everywhere!
That’s all for now. No real cases to speak of. I miss you, Mom.
Love, Spencer.
To Mom,
I’m sorry I haven’t written in three days. I’m sorry. I’ve been so busy with the last case and some other things that have popped up.
I know you don’t like to hear when there is danger so I’ll spare you the details.
What I need to tell you is I’m fine. Okay? I am currently in the hospital but I am fine.
What happened was I was shot in the leg in the line of duty. There’s no need to worry. They are treating me fine and the team is visiting me all the time, even when I’m not fully here or under the influence of the pain medication. I think Garcia bought out the local flower and balloon shops as well.
You can reach me via St. Margaret’s Hospital in Quantico. I’m room 343 at the moment, but I might be moved soon. Just tell them you want to speak to me.
Sorry I couldn’t make it longer. I just wanted to let you know I’m okay. I’m in some pain and all I want to do is rest. I’ll talk to you soon.
It’s getting better but I have a hard time keeping track of time.
Take care Mom. I love you.
I’m going to be leaving the hospital in a couple of days. Then I will have some medical leave. I am going to try and call you then, okay? I appreciated your call, but I was a little out of it. I want to talk to you when I’m all clear of the drugs.
Mrs. Reid,
This is Derek Morgan, Spencer’s co-worker. I know Spencer always writes to you and lets you know how he is doing. Well, right now, all he is doing is sleeping and asking for medicine. He is okay though, and the doctors say he is progressing fine.
Your son is an extraordinarily fast healer and a real fighter. I don’t doubt that he will recover faster than any of us can imagine.
Please don’t tell him I wrote you. I just want to update you and let you know that everything is going fine with your son. It would just make him worry, I guess, about you.
Sincerely, Derek Morgan
I’m sorry I haven’t written. I’ve been so tired lately. I think I slept for fifteen hours the other day.
I’ve been at home mostly, trying to recuperate. Several members of the team have been by and have helped me get better. Garcia brought me cookies, Hotch stopped by with take-out from my favorite Thai restaurant, Prentiss brought me some wine, Rossi brought by some homemade lasagna (God, it was good…) J.J. brought brownies that Henry made for me and Morgan has been doing errands for me.
He has been helping me take care of the apartment and help run out and get groceries. Morgan has been a really great friend to me during this time. He has helped me out a lot. I often wake up from unexpected naps to find a blanket on me or lunch laid out on a table in front of me. Sometimes, I even find him bustling around the house, feeding and holding Tesla, talking to him.
I miss you Mom and I’m planning on getting a ticket to come out and visit you.
Love, Spencer
I guess I’m making some progress. I’ve been limping around the living room and trying to put some weight on my leg. The crutches that the doctor gave me are almost essential right now for me to move. However, my physical therapist has been trying to get me to start putting weight on it and not use the crutches.
I’ve had to rely on Morgan to help me so much the past several weeks. I don’t know how to thank him. He is one of the best friends I’ve had in a long time.
Love, Spencer
Mrs. Reid,
Spencer is progressing fast. He can even walk now for several feet without his crutches. It’s fantastic really. He talks a lot about you all the time. He really holds you in high respect.
Soon he’ll be ready to go back to work. I swear, he is getting so tired of being at home. He’s kind of like a caged cat.
Sincerely, Derek Morgan
Mrs. Reid,
Thank you for the letter. It was really thoughtful of you.
I do understand your hesitance to get a member of the FBI involved, but I do assure you that I am not a member of the government that is out to poison your drinking water. In fact, Spencer can assure you of that.
I will take up your offer as soon as I can to come out and visit you in Las Vegas with Spencer.
Sincerely, Derek
I finally saw that movie I have wanted to see. Somehow Morgan found out and got us two tickets. Imagine that, someone reading my mind. Profilers can profile each other very well, I guess.
Talk to you soon.
I never really thought about it, but some people really are dog people and some are cat people. I’m definitely a cat person, but then again, I never met Morgan’s German Sheppard, Clooney. For being such a “macho man,” Morgan really babies that dog. Remember me telling you about how big Morgan is? Well, Clooney can knock him over when he is excited.
It’s funnier to watch. Trust me.
Love, Spencer
Okay so maybe introducing Tesla and Clooney doesn’t sound like a good idea, but it’s funny, because despite their size and obvious differences, they really got along.
It reminds me of the two of us…
I don’t know how to tell you.
But I think I love Morgan.
Don’t be stupid.
I know you do.
Love, Mom