Mar 26, 2006 21:27
this weekend was great, I pent everyday..almost all of the day...except for today...well ...with jordn.. I only spent a few hours with him today, but it was worth it...
friday..V for Vendetta....excellent...I want to buy it... an then pizza hut in fitchburg.....where there wass not pizza types, and perry is retarded
Saterday....called in sick for work so I could go with jordan and his family to newicks in portsmouth for jim's b-day...we watched the wall on the way down and dead and breackfast on the way back from kittery....yea...we visited maine...yep....tehn went back to tehre place and hung out for a few more hours...then today.... no work...called in ..and they didn't need pay check... boughtt this is spinal tap.... and played pool with my mom, sisters, jordan, jones, and the p-s of them ....twas I'm here.... later days