Aug 17, 2008 15:08
So this weeeknd has been the best and the worst weekend in a long time. The best part is that Matt and Amanda had a weddign to go to and they left Friday night and didn't get abck till this afternoon. I LOVED having our house to ourselves again! Tom and I got along so much better when they were gone and there was no tension in the house.. but now their back. I absolutely loath them and want them out. But Tom is being all loyal and shit to his brother with the "we're just helping him out till he gets out of debt" crap. I DON'T care! My sanity is on the line here and if I have to listen to that snivelling, bitchy girlfriend of his talk like a five year old for one more day.. I MIGHT LOSE IT~!
And thats not even the worst part! I was sick as a dog all weekend. Like all day saturday I either hovered over the toilet or hovered over a pail. I had to have my CT for my knee on Saturday and we had to drive to London. It was the longest 45 minutes of my life! Tom was such a star all day though. He drove carefully and kept asking if I was ok and if I needed anything. He got me a wheelcahir to take me up stairs in and waited patiently and held my hair while I threw up in the waiting room. I felt so bad for the tech doing the CT though. She told me I couldn't take my pail wioth me into the room because the metal would itnerfere with some of the equipment, so I left it with Tom. The minute we rolled intot he room, I knew I was going to be sick. So I quickly asked ehr for a kidney bassin and she told me to hold on and she had to set the machien up first!! I was laughing on the inside when I spewwed all over her floor.. Haha! I know thats a horrible story but it was funny. I have never seem soemone run so fast for a kidney bassin in my life Haha!! when we got home and pciked Addy up from my Grandma's, Tom was even nice enough to take her to Stratford and go for supper with TD so I could sleep longer. I was finally able to open my eyes when they got home without puking so I saw it as improvement.
Today I have only been sick twice (yay me!) right now I am fighting the urge to kill Matt with a kitchen knife for being a lazy ass. Tom, my dad and my 80 year old Grandfather are outside building our desk while Matt sits on the couhc in the air conditioning like a slob. I want to kick him out SO BADLY but tom would take offense..
Stupid brothers...