Feb 09, 2008 06:06
I really and truly cried tonight for the first time in months. Definitely needed that. Even if it didn't solve any of my problems, it was a very necessary cathartic process I started tonight.
My problems aren't huge but rather a compliation of some very small things that came out of nowhere and have amalgamated into something larger. Their unexpected nature and timing during midterms in an important semester for me is just so typical.
Most of the things I'm dealing with I could confide in someone, though there is a solitary exception; and it's probably the one 'secret' I need to share. I kind of did tonight because I felt compelled to in a moral sense, but that's it. I don't want to risk ANYONE knowing about it, so I think it's best to keep to myself.
The funny thing is, besides two people who have noticed some visible despondency on my part in the last few days, no one can tell something is wrong with me. Perhaps it's better that way. I don't want pity! I want to work through these stupid situations that are playing on my emotions. But I can't lie, it is comforting to know that I have those kinds of people in my life. I only hope I can and do return the favour when they have their own occasional difficulties.
P.S. Katie, don't worry. Just needed to get this off my chest and couldn't be bothered to go to SSN. Maybe next week, if I figure out where it is.