[private to Ianto Jones]

Apr 19, 2010 05:46

A little birdie told me you're heading to Kingstown again soon.

ianto jones, cho takahashi

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guns_and_coffee April 19 2010, 15:13:10 UTC
I had to contemplate for a minute whether or not I should take that literally.


tenuefarfalla April 20 2010, 02:00:37 UTC
No, I didn't hear it from Cherry. From a woman in the marketplace, actually.

I was wondering if you could help me with some personal library expansion while you're there. Assuming you're bringing the cart again.


guns_and_coffee April 20 2010, 02:16:12 UTC
I have the cart. What are you looking for?


tenuefarfalla April 20 2010, 02:40:21 UTC
Well, the reason I found out you were leaving is that I'm out of saffron, and so is the entire market, apparently. So, saffron.

Books, of course. Sorcery books, history books, but now I also need books on Witchcraft and whatever this place knows about anatomy and surgery. Reference books for a doctor.

If you stop by before you leave I can send you with some coldboxes of food. Do you want to borrow Charlie? He can probably pull more than your horse can. Get you home faster.


guns_and_coffee April 20 2010, 02:51:34 UTC
I appreciate the offer, but I'm already on the road.

How is Gabriel?


tenuefarfalla April 20 2010, 03:32:45 UTC
Well then, dinner when you get back.

I think he's getting better. I hope he is. Baby steps. Every day he spends here, every little thing he learns that's brand new, it has to all be adding up. He came to see me on his own once. We had lunch. For a few seconds, it was almost like nothing had changed. I hugged him and he ran away. He's been out, though, because that was before Cordelia's party.

People have seen him walking. He's drinking less. He said the doctor was all that was left of him. I know that's not true, but maybe if he had a way to work on that here it would help him, and God knows we could use it. He can't really deny the magic at this point. At least I hope he can't. Whether or not he made this all up in his mind, the world has magic, and so does he.


guns_and_coffee April 20 2010, 03:37:10 UTC

His skills would be enormously helpful should he choose to start practising again. I'll bring you what I can.


I know it's difficult.


tenuefarfalla April 20 2010, 04:06:27 UTC
[after a considerable pause]

Some mornings I don't know how I'm supposed to get out of bed. Then I do get up, and once I'm up I feel stupid for being so melodramatic, but it doesn't make it any easier the next morning when it happens again.


guns_and_coffee April 20 2010, 04:15:30 UTC
You have friends. You have an entire world you built for yourself in his absence, and it's still there.

And at least no one has to spoon feed you.


tenuefarfalla April 20 2010, 04:23:23 UTC
I know. You're right. Of course you're right.

And I didn't mind. It made me feel needed for a while.

[another pause - oh, the awkward]

Maybe some medical tools, if you can find them? There's probably nothing he wouldn't find laughable, but designing something new could turn into a nice project for him.


guns_and_coffee April 20 2010, 04:26:50 UTC
Of course. Whatever you think would be helpful.


tenuefarfalla April 20 2010, 04:33:27 UTC
Thank you, Ianto.


guns_and_coffee April 20 2010, 04:38:25 UTC
There's no need to thank me, but, as that won't stop you, you're welcome.


tenuefarfalla April 20 2010, 05:52:26 UTC
It's like you know me or something.


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