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guns_and_coffee March 20 2010, 23:31:16 UTC
Do you want Rain Man or Tony Stark?


tenuefarfalla March 21 2010, 01:00:34 UTC
I don't know what that means.

Who is Tony Stark?


guns_and_coffee March 21 2010, 02:45:09 UTC
Iron Man?

You've missed some great films, Cho.


tenuefarfalla March 21 2010, 03:16:15 UTC
Super hero?

I've missed a lot, it seems. Like my own murder, for example.

I know who Rain Man is. Do I get half credit? I still don't know what the choice between the two means, though. Sorry.


guns_and_coffee March 21 2010, 04:41:45 UTC
Tony Stark's an engineer. His genius at it is essentially his superpower. I'm not an engineer, but I know more about it than most people. Probably more than Gabriel does. Seems Tails has that area covered, though.

I also have a very good memory.

[Private to Cho]
I do not have perfect recall, and there's actually quite a bit of debate as to whether such abilities are even possible.

I am, however, something of a mnemonist and a mental calculator.


tenuefarfalla March 21 2010, 07:48:30 UTC
Gabriel is a fairly scientific person, and incredibly smart. Not just smart like anyone who can cut into the human brain and actually fix it is smart. He was twenty one when he became a doctor. Engineering, though, I don't think he knows anything about. I'm guessing he's never even changed his own oil. Maybe.

Could you do Tony Stark with a Rain Man mathematical emphasis? Is that even possible? Does his own superpower-y brand of engineering have really complex mathematical theorems?

[private to Ianto Jones]
You're brilliant. Utterly. You are one of the smartest people I have ever heard of, and I know from smart people.

Whatever you think you can do to help, I know it will. I'm not sure how receptive he'll be, and I'm sorry for that, but if anyone can put up with it, I get the feeling you can.


guns_and_coffee March 21 2010, 08:11:03 UTC
Almost all engineering requires really complex mathematical theorems. Powered exoskeletons are no exception.

I have some experience with them, as it happens.

[Private to Cho]
You should've met Tosh. She was the real engineer.


tenuefarfalla March 21 2010, 17:11:12 UTC
Exoskeletons? Yeah, that would do it. That's most definitely something he doesn't already know.

[private to Ianto Jones]
A friend of yours from home? You've never mentioned her before.


[private to Cho] guns_and_coffee March 22 2010, 03:44:58 UTC
Friend and colleague. The most brilliant person I've ever known.


[private to Ianto] tenuefarfalla March 23 2010, 03:57:12 UTC
You must miss her a lot. Is Tosh short for something?


[Private unless indicated otherwise] guns_and_coffee March 23 2010, 04:06:40 UTC


tenuefarfalla March 23 2010, 04:23:45 UTC
She was Japanese?

I don't suppose

Do I remind you of her at all? Is that any part of why you can't seem to look me in the eye sometimes?


guns_and_coffee March 23 2010, 04:29:09 UTC
You do, a bit.


tenuefarfalla March 23 2010, 07:57:04 UTC
I'm sorry.

Before you say it, I know it's not my fault.

Still, I used to look at Robbie and hurt so badly because of how much he looked like Gabriel. If there's a day that being around me makes you feel that way, I promise I won't be offended if you tell me. I'd rather give you space than think I'm hurting you.


guns_and_coffee March 23 2010, 08:21:32 UTC
You don't hurt me.


tenuefarfalla March 23 2010, 08:51:08 UTC
Well, if I ever do, I promise I'll understand.

So, do I look like her or act like her?


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