The following people have until the end of the week to post in
rowantree_rpg or get in on a log in
rowantree_logs, or get in contact with us to tell us why they can't.
Deria - Daxter [
Deria - Taryn [
Pickles - Vitali [
Any questions? Contact a mod.
Side note: If you post a journal entry or get in a log to get off the activity danger list, that journal entry or log will not count toward the next activity check. So if you get on the short list, you need one instance of participation before the end of the weekend, and then another before the next activity check.
[EDIT] You can fulfill this activity requirement by joining an open log that was posted before the activity check. If you do this you must post a comment with the link to the log for it to count. I'm only looking from the activity check forward for your journal entries and log participation unless you tell me otherwise.