You know what makes me crazy?

Jan 22, 2010 10:20

Who: Bret and Jemaine
What: Not sulking. That's for sure.
When: Friday evening
Where: Their house

Bret wasn't sulking. He wasn't upset that Jemaine was hanging out with Cho. He didn't have a right to be. No matter what he'd said in the fight.

He certainly hadn't been thinking about it all day.

When Jemaine finally came home, Bret was fixing the shelf he'd broken all that time ago. If he'd been thinking about anything in particular, the busy work wouldn't have helped like it should have.

He had nails stuck in his mouth, so he couldn't say anything when Jemaine came in. Not because he didn't feel like talking to him. He was fixing a shelf. Not ignoring him.

bret mcclegnie, jemaine clemaine

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