People writing songs that voices never share

Sep 30, 2009 19:11

Who: Bret and Cho
What: Storing clothes in the cave
When: Wednesday
Where: Cave of Coma

Bret was a glorified pack mule, but he was alright with that. It didn't require thought. He could zone out completely and it didn't make any difference. All he had to do was pick up clothes from one place and bring them to another place.

He'd shut off.

So as he entered the cave, hidden behind the large pile of hats and trousers and underthings and other miscellaneous items, there wasn't any particular on his mind. He didn't have anything to say. He just sort of shimmied around, trying to see Cho, to somehow ask what he could do with all of it without having to say anything.

bret mcclegnie, cho takahashi

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