Something's funky in funkytowne [CLOSED]

Sep 05, 2009 12:22

Who: Kale, Mikney
What: Mikney appears to be making his iron chains glow. Awkward?
Where: Mikney's cell.
When: Backdated to last Saturday.

Mikney can't control it any longer.

He's been able to hold back the growing power, so that it doesn't arise except when he's touching someone, when he's irritated or upset or afraid. He's been able to keep it hidden -- but it's like a rising tide. You can't stop the flow of the ocean, you just can't.

And some of it has started to bleed through.

Just his luck that Royal saw the iron glowing, where the magic was bleeding through Mikney's skin.

This -- could be very bad.

npc: river royal, npc: kale, npc: mikney

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