Flight 401 with service to Kingstown [Closed]

Aug 16, 2009 16:06

Who: Derek Rayne, Mars
What: So there was this guy and this planet. And.
Where: Outskirts of Kingstown
When: Sunday morning, very early.

Rayne has no idea what to expect.

Hell, he doesn't even know if this is the right airship, but this is the first time any airship has arrived since he got to Kingstown, so he'd lay odds that it came from Jhelbor. That Mars would be on it.



No, he just has to calm down and deal with this as it comes. If it turns out to be someone crazy, he doesn't have to hang around them. He doesn't have to keep that extra baggage. He can just walk away.

That possibility doesn't scare him.

He shifts his weight, and watches the airship settle on the ground, the cleared space made ready for it. If there's anyone on board, they'll be coming off soon.

mars, derek rayne

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