Have a Drink On Me [open]

Aug 10, 2009 18:15

Who: Everyone!
What: Tavern's grand opening
When: Monday Evening
Where: The Frolicking Stoat
Special Note: New thread for each conversation, please (not for each post)

Whiskey, gin, and brandy; with a glass, I'm pretty handy )

cassandra of troy, jean yves, npc: niko, cordy estwynde, cris gainfly, demyx, ianto jones, gob bluth, npc: nazarene, barney stinson, npc: sylph, cho takahashi

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rowan_narrators August 11 2009, 00:59:14 UTC
Nazarene, unfortunately, isn't here to pick up girls.

No; she and Royal both know that his presence, for whatever individual reason, has been rejected by the vast majority of those who come through the tree. He doesn't want to disrupt them, particularly - though, she has to admit, his plan of trapping them in the city and leaving them to fend for themselves has produced impressive results, at least in this particular tavern.

So, no. She's not here to pick up girls. She's here to see how it goes. To see if Royal's plan to tie the tree babies (ugh, is that terminology really picking up in Nazarene's mind?) to Jhelbor is working.

And so she takes a drink, herself, and she watches.

She probably looks a lot like she's about to go try to pick up some girls.


cassie_of_troy August 11 2009, 04:40:38 UTC
Cassandra made her rounds through the room. With each pass, she found her eyes drifting over to Nazarene.

It wasn't that she was surprised to see the woman there. Half of the demon army, it seemed, was crammed into the tavern. There was something else bothering Cassandra about Nazarene's presence. It was the fact that she was sitting. Something about that just went against everything Cassandra had observed thus far. Nazarene was a woman of action, someone who rarely remained stationary for long. Even when talking to her, Nazarene had insisted on walking. So why was she so still now?

She made her way over, skirts rustling, holding the empty tray against her chest. "Something to drink?" she asked.


rowan_narrators August 11 2009, 05:15:19 UTC
Nazarene glanced to Cassandra, and let out a little bit of a sigh. Looked like her and a couple others that were working in this place.

"No thanks," she said. "Not a heavy drinker."


cassie_of_troy August 11 2009, 05:18:53 UTC
"No," Cassandra murmured, "You're not the type." This put Cassandra even less at ease. Something was definitely wrong with this picture.

She paused, glancing around the room. "So what do you think of Cordelia's little party?"


rowan_narrators August 11 2009, 05:27:22 UTC
Nazarene shrugged. "Looks like she's doing a smashing job so far," she said. "How's work?" And her eyes skimmed up Cassandra's form, a little, before flicking away towards the other girls around the room.

Not great pickings.


cassie_of_troy August 11 2009, 05:41:35 UTC
"Blissfully busy so far," Cassandra admitted. "Although I doubt it will remain quite so occupying. All good things must come to an end, or so they say."

She pulled the tray a little higher as she felt Nazarene's eyes on her. Just what was the other woman looking at? It gave Cassandra an unexpected chill. Maybe she was just unsettled anyway. She decided not to give it too much thought.

Cassandra was about to open her mouth to ask if Royal would be making an appearance when she felt something brush up against her leg. Looking down, she spotted Cordelia's kitten. It had been following Cassandra around all morning as they tried to set up the tavern. She had finally locked him out, but he had wriggled his way in. "Why do you keep following me?" she murmured, leaning over and picking up the kitten.


rowan_narrators August 11 2009, 05:51:18 UTC
Nazarene laughed. "With food this good?" she asked. "This place is gonna take off. Trust me."

Demon always did like a fad.

Nazarene studied that cat, a little bit of faint distaste on her face. Cats. She'd never trusted them. Or dogs, either. Animals only loved their keepers for the food and shelter they provided.

She suppressed it. "Sorry," she said. "I'm feeling a little out-of-sorts." She'd rather be on the campaign, not lingering in this city.


cassie_of_troy August 11 2009, 05:53:21 UTC
Cassandra set the cat on her shoulder. It purred, rubbing against her neck. "All right," she told it with an absent pat. "All right." Why had all these animals been interested in her lately.

To Nazarene, she said, "Let me know if you'd like anything." She paused. "And give my regards to Royal."


rowan_narrators August 11 2009, 06:14:49 UTC
"Will do," said Nazarene, with a nod.

Her eyes paused, on the cat, again. That was a part of shamanism Nazarene certainly didn't care for. Spirit-walking, okay. Visions, okay. Second sight, that's fine. The animal affinity just irritated her.

...Man. She really sucked at this undercover business.

"See you around."


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