Hangin'. Doin' our things.

Aug 04, 2009 13:35

Who: Nazarene, River Royal, Niko, Mikney, Tamber and Lhoral ETA: and Kale, Markon, and Zosima
What: NPCin' about.
Where: Various places around the city.
When: Tuesday, all day
Notes: This is an opportunity for open NPC interaction! Just make sure that which one you're tagging is clear.

River Royal was proud. Proud of his army, his engineers, of the impulsive spirit of the demons, humans, and others rapidly turning this abandoned hulk of a city into a revitalized, miniature metropolis, for his army.

This would be the base of operations from now on.

Royal could be found anywhere in the city - encouraging workers, giving orders, supervising, inspecting.

On the other hand, Nazarene stayed in the background. She didn't overtly encourage but instead covertly observed, lending subtle approval or slight corrections as necessary. She knew that, now, her role was to observe, not to influence, and she could most certainly be quiet when she needed to.

Niko was all around the perimeter of the city with a can of paint, a brush, and a satchel of books. Every once in a while, he'd pause, consult the book, then scrawl a sigil on the wall.

In the prison, Tamber and Lhoral were alone, in their respective cells.

Lhoral sulked, huddled in the corner, resentful and still in pain from her injury.

In contrast, Tamber listened carefully to everything he could hear.

They can be accessed by requesting visitation and signing a log.

Mikney was still under house arrest, and dizzy and disoriented from the man/planet/thing that had just come through the gate. He can be accessed through similar means, though he was kept by River Royal's quarters, not under the city center.

Zosima sat under a makeshift awning, at a makeshift desk, writing reports. Bored and frustrated, she would appreciate a distraction.

Markon was on duty helping with the construction. Though busy, most of the demons on his work crew were chatting and laughing, while Markon kept pretty quiet, except for work-related directions. Anyone could walk over and talk to him - but watch out for lumber and masonry.

Kale scrambled around, enjoying being out of the infirmary. He had a ragged book in one hand a bag of more books slung over his shoulder. He'd find a spot to sit and read for a while, then moved when the demons needed to work there, or the light changed, or he got bored.

npc: river royal, npc: tamber, npc: mikney, demyx, tails, !open npc post, cassandra of troy, mars, npc: niko, npc: kale, npc: markon, npc: zosima, jacob hood, npc: lhoral, ianto jones, gob bluth, npc: nazarene, cho takahashi

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