Can't live with them, can't... [closed]

Aug 02, 2009 13:42

Who: Jenna Angel
What: looking for the three minions idiot guys she's been traveling with
Where: Kingstown
When: Saturday afternoon

They'd left her at the gate, the fools. They had left her at the front gate of a strange city. Chivalry really was dead, it seemed. She had fumed for long enough, browsing the market stalls to allow her anger to fizzle out. The demons--if that's what they really were--seemed pleasant enough, but she kept her guard up. She needed money, anyway. Or what passed for money in this place. If she'd still had her Karma Society necklace, she could pawn that for a few coins. It seemed that more people were earning a living performing. And a performer she was not. That was David's side project.

She could just imagine how he would react to this place. It's got its charm! Like going to one of those Renaissance faires! ....which means there's no pianos. Damn... All in a joking way. Jenna couldn't help a smile of her own, calling up his face.

Suddenly she remembered that she was walking in the street, and theoretically she should be paying attention to where she was...

There. A tree. That tree? Just over the doorway of a simple thatched-roof building just ahead. She stopped, considering it for a moment, before going closer. Was it the same tree? She had never seen it herself, and she knew next to nothing about different trees. It was a dead tree, just as it had been described to her...

Well, only one way to find out...

She stepped just inside, waiting for her eyes to adjust to the sudden darkness. "Hello? Is anyone in here?"

jenna angel, npc: saleris

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