Happy Anniversary [OPEN]

Jun 25, 2010 11:22

Who: Cherry and anyone who joins her (one thread please)
What: Ritualizing and stuff
Where: The Rowan Tree
When: Friday

Although she had no affinity for any particular gods, Cherry was a sucker for ritual. She just loved it. The more dramatic, the better. The founders of all the major religions of her realm had been artists, in addition to scholars and leaders, she decided long ago. Whether they were mortal or divine, all of them had had a knack for art.

While she could never claim (nor indeed want to claim) to be the founder of a whole new religion, Cherry had a knack for art too, so she decided that, to commemorate the anniversary of the activation of the Rowan Tree, she would devise her own ritual. Really, though, it was just an amalgam of what she knew. Taking from the Catalanese Day of the Lilies ceremony, she had artfully arranged nine flowers (that almost looked like lilies) in a circle before the base of the Rowan Tree. In a larger circle around them were a series of some sort of purple flower, one for each of the tree babies. Borrowing from the Risan branding ritual, she had the makings of a decent bonfire set up, back on the other end of the land bridge. Ripping off a Hylian, Gerudo initiation ceremony, she had dropped white flower petals in the water all around the tree.

Cherry sat back to admire her work. Part of her hoped that others might contribute parts of their own rituals. Another, more realistic part of her knew that most people wouldn't want to celebrate or even acknowledge today. She was okay with that, finally.

cherry reyer, cedric diggory

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