destination nowhere

May 19, 2010 13:31

WHO: Cho, Gabriel, Bret, Jemaine, Bonnie, Damon, and Taryn
WHAT: finally making it to Mage City
WHEN: Wednesday, early evening
WHERE: Mage City

All right, so maybe a road trip in the Spring in a region of Rowan where that involved rain almost every day wasn't the brightest idea anyone had ever had. For her first camping experience it hadn't been all bad. Cho led Charlie, hitched to the cart that carried their things, though at this point the horse would have followed without any prompting, because the little thing with the long black mane had the apples. Charlie liked the apples.

"Well... this is it," Cho said, directed at Bonnie, but that might not have been incredibly clear. "Kind of a wreck." Battle after battle had taken its toll on the place, though many buildings still stood. In fact, it a few areas of the city were carefully avoided when taking stock of the whole, it simply looked abandoned. Cho was taking that stock now, glancing from side to side, trying to decide on the best way to go about this. Now that they were here, she wasn't entirely sure what they should all be doing.

They walked past small homes, small being a relative term. Most had clearly been meant for more than one family, but they were specks when compared to the massive grouping of buildings that had been the City's school and its outlying buildings. To the east was a lake, even now overrun its banks, all this time after the battle, debris floating on the surface. Toys and bits of furniture and sodden books. Cho wondered if any of them were salvageable. Probably not. It didn't mean she wouldn't try. Beneath the water's surface she could just barely see the walkway of the docks they had pulled in at on their first visit to this place. A new dock had been built on top of it. People still clearly passed through this city, though no one appeared to stay very long. The lake stretched out for miles and ended in a sandy marsh with a line of aspen trees, and beyond the trees, the swampy lands that the goblins claimed as their own.

"What now?"

[whenever possible, comment to this entry so that others can go back and put their responses in the appropriate places at a later time]

bret mcclegnie, gabriel chambers, taryn, jemaine clemaine, bonnie mccullough, damon salvatore, cho takahashi

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