Feb 21, 2014 21:24
I've been ill for a couple of weeks (stress-related), but starting to feel better now, having decided to pace my exercise regime, and not worry too much if I don't keep to my diet. I can pick up on these things again, once I've got my body back on track.
This evening, though, I met socially with a small group, which included someone who always rubs me up the wrong way. His speech is rapid-fire, arrogant.... Controlling?
Is he nervous? Is he slightly manic? Just annoyingly stupid? I've thought all of these, at different times. Should I feel sorry for him? (I don't). My husband is fond of him. He's not the only person to have really annoyed me lately.
Where did the philosophical soul I used to be disappear to?
Or did I used be too soft, when people are just to prats?