Jun 12, 2013 23:06
I'm pretty mad at the world on several counts today.
I won't bore you with the details, but some days the cruelties and bad parts do seem to overwhelm.
It's worst when it's someone we love who's catching it.
I just wanted to rant and rant earlier tonight -
but -
there's that powerless feeling again.
I could think of a solution, but it wouldn't work.
So I didn't rant.
A name occured to me, and I asked her if she knew anyone who can help.
She's going to ask around, and get back to me.
She may well not be able to help, but I feel better for asking her.
That's a better way forward than just being furious.
If this has a positive result, that's great.
If it doesn't at least I thought creatively.
And might do so again
Blessed Be