General Info
Play By: Lee Hyksoo
rowanoakeAIM: hangovermidnight
Mun Alias: muse name is fine :3
Character Info
Full Name: Alexi Rowanoake
Age: 18
Nationality: Korean/British and a dash of Russian on the side
000Co-Curriculars: Art
Personality: Alexi is a clash of personalities, a constant roller coaster of ups and downs and mood swings that sometimes leave people staring after him agape, wondering what in the world they'd just experienced. He's a whirlwind of emotions, having learned at a young age that suppressing his wants and needs is just not any fun at all. He's a purely hedonistic human being, living on sensations and pleasure. Alexi believes that, above all, a person should live their life they want to, without restrictions and binds set by other people. It's because of this attitude that Alexi has dabbled in everything and mastered nothing, besides the piano. He sings a little, models a little, photographs a little, designs a little, dances a little, acts a little. He can fix a leaking sink but he can barely screw in a light bulb, he can make perfect kimchi stew but can't make rice. Alexi learns how to do things as he feels, not as logic would dictate, which doesn't leave him the most academically inclined student.
For the most part, he's a steady person, usually easy to get along with, not a very social person but comfortable around people when he needs to be. He's unexpectedly soft-spoken, his voice a bit husky from his cigarettes. He doesn't eat the food he needs to eat, favoring sweets and pastries instead, so he tends to get sick easily. Alexi gets along easily with most people, and tends not to judge on first impressions, knowing that he himself doesn't give off a very good first impression himself - people tend to believe that he's lazy and immoral and a slacker... Alexi would agree with the first part, but he's hardly immoral, and he's not a slacker when there are things that need to be done. Alexi doesn't tend to have lasting relationships with people, whether it be romantic of friendship, as he tends to come and go in and out of people's lives at his own will. It's not unusual for Alexi to disappear out of someone's life for months at a time, before wandering back with a cigarette and a grin and wickedly wild stories of what he's been up to - or at least, it wasn't until his parents finally roped him into staying put at Campbell.
Alexi can, in turns, be acidly sharp-tonged and disgustingly sweet, depending on the person and his mood. His sense of humor can be weird at times and non-existent at others, and he definitely gets a rise out of saying scandalous things to unsuspecting people. Alexi knows that he's not perfect, and there's a thousand and more flaws when it comes to his being, but he's okay with that. He's being true to himself, in all his crazy mood swings and wild demands - a kind of modern-day cowboy Caligula, but without the silly toga.
History: Alexi was born to a Korean mother and a British father of Russian decent, the former a doctor and the latter a painter. The two met at a benefit art show in Paris - the proceeds going to Jiae's hospital, the prints provided by Nicholas. They were married six months after, Alexi born another six months later, his brother Sasha born two years after that. A close family, they enjoyed each other's company in a way that made Alexi's friends tilt their head - no other ten year old they knew lived for staying in on Saturday nights because their family watched movies and played Pictionary. After Sasha was a bit older, around six or seven, the family moved around Europe at the whim of their father. Alexi's mother never complained - she was a good doctor, and there was always a need of her services wherever they went. They finally settled back in France while Alexi was thirteen, and they spent a happy year there - until the death of his brother. A lake not-quite frozen, a group of overly excited boys, an cry for help that came a little too late, and Alexi found himself an only child. The move to Hawaii was recommended by family friends, for a new start and a chance to grieve where the sky was warm and the ocean stretched forever. Alexi started at Campbell in his sophomore year, quiet and resistant to making friends. What was the use, when his baby brother was gone? Time has been his best companion, and by the time junior year rolled around, Alexi finally found peace, and became himself again.
family: Jiae (mother), Nicholas (father), Sasha (younger brother - deceased)
languages: English, Korean, a touch of Russian
habits: biting his nails, splattering paint all over his clothes, never closing doors all the way
likes: strawberries and cigarettes and cacti
dislikes: potpourri, afternoons, velcro
height: 5'6"
weight: 121 lbs
hair: dark brown
eyes: dark brown
etc: has a soft accent, can only really be described as "european". tends to get thicker when he's emotional. a small two inch scar by his right eye - a trophy of a fight in his freshman year.
best subject: anything art related
worst subject: calculus