Dental care

Jan 25, 2008 12:06

Same old story again... The tooth that bothered me in summer and that has been now repaired twice reminded of its existence once again.

The reason for the whole thing was originally a deep cavity, which had made smallest puncture through to the root canal, which in turn resulted in sore nerve. After the repair operation in October the tooth never got really better. Some time during Christmas I started getting slight aches and the tooth was sensitive to hot, cold and hard biting. And ached all the time, especially the wee hours of night, causing me not to sleep.

Luckily I got a dentist appointment time quite soon and so I went there today. I already knew what was going to be prescribed: root canal. The appointment wasn't enough for any real operation yet, of course. They merely took X-ray and removed the old filling and replaced it with a temporary filling (with some cortison or somesuch to relieve aching and possible infection). But I got three new reservations for March (there wasn't anything sooner but it's only a month away) and the next appointment is the most unpleasant one, I think, where they empty the root canals. I'm expecting a full hour of dental fun, keeping my mouth wide open and having half my face numbed with lidocain... Even now my lips and tongue are still half numb even if it's already nearly two hours from the operation - and since it hurt a little even this time they promised to double the amount.

Luckily the whole thing doesn't cost as much as it would at private dental care and I really like my dentist, who is a pleasant youngish woman, truly interested in patient's well-being and very skilled in everything she does. A good thing for my dentist fear caused by years of wearing braces and one highly unpleasant wisdom tooth removal .

personal, teeth

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