Harry Potter thoughts and speculation

Jul 19, 2005 14:09

Finished it at last! How frustrating to wait an extra day to get the book because of being somewhere else and having too much things to do to fully concentrate on the important things, like reading ;)

First of all: What the heck?!? Snape is the half-blood prince and kills Dumbledore? Oh no... This shocks me much more than the death of Sirius, which was just like "ok, so?" I can't help thinking that things can't be so straightforward as they seem. Why give Snape's evil intents away at chapter 2? Is it possible that Snape is not a double - but indeed a triple agent? Was there somekind of deal between D and S, for D to sacrifice his life to get Snape's actions seem more believable in the eyes of the Dark Lord? I thought the "discussion" between Harry and runaway Snape was curious - why was S so angry of being called a coward? Why didn't he simply finish Harry? And he literally saved Harry from being killd by Death Eaters.  I'm sure this is not the last we hear from Snape - unless JKR really consider her readers as fools and Snape truly is what he has seem to be all along - truly evil.

I really liked the little teen love triangles. No more awkward moments of Cho, whom we hardly know. The Ron/Hermione thing was very beliavable and very well set up from the beginning. And I didnt expect Harry and Ginny, it just came out of nowhere but fell at place juts like a correct piece of a puzzle. How sweet :) I wouldn't have minded a bit more of romantic moments though.

Did anyone else think of Star Wars and the bit with Kenobi and Luke when Dumbledore died? I was half expecting Harry to hear his voice in his head after he collapsed... "Use the Force Harry..."

I was impressed with the Malfoy part, though I would have wanted to see more of him. The part with Moaning Myrtle and crying Malfoy really got to me. He finally got a personality after being labeled a simple black-and-white school bully and Harry's enemy before. I can understand why he was infuriated when Harry caught him at his weak moment, but the confrontation remained forever unresolved between them. What a pity! I would so much like to see a real, open confrontation between the two of them, where everything is said as it is, without trying to curse each other to death or evading the subject with snide remarks. I can be perfectly pleased with Harry and Malfoy hating each other to the very end, but I'd like to know why. A simple Slytherin vs. Gryffindor or good vs. bad isn't enough.

Many other thoughts too, but can't think of any just now. Any comments?

And yay, the terrible heatwave is over! I'm perfectly content with clouds and rain :)

books, harry potter

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