Old ghosts

Sep 27, 2005 09:07

From television, that is. Yesterday there was the second episode of Maelstrom (Hiidenvirta) from Finnish Yle Teema. Half the Finland has waited for the re-run of the series for two decades and now it's here, though only for the owners of digital receiver. The series scared the shit out of now thirty-something population in its original showing in the 80's and started something called doll nightmares. And what's it about? It's a BBC series of British-Norwegian cooperation and the events take place in Norway, in a small fjord town Ålesund. A young English woman hears she has inherited a local rich factory owner Hjalmar Jordahl and travels to Norway to receive her inheritance of two houses and a fish factory. But strange events start to take place when the abandoned house in the island seems to still be in use. Has the late wife of Hjalmar Jordahl returned to claim what is hers? Was Jordahl's death an accident? What is the meaning of dozens of dolls in the old house?

How can dolls be so scary? The beginning of series has been slow, in true eighties style. But already there have been scary moments with those darned dolls. Of course it's not very intelligent or at least original to create drama from sneaking alone in dim houses and showing unknown shapes behind curtains an so on. But it's very effective and I'm sure it touches Finnish people deeply because the surroundings are so very similar (not counting the mountains and fjords) and much of our own ghost stories an urban legends consist of such things as old creepy houses, the powers of nature, melancholy and loneliness.

Since it's 20 years I saw this series last time I must say I have no memory of the outcome. But there must be creepy events on the way, or otherwise once again time has made memories more shiny than they really are.


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