It's going to be a Sunshiney day...

Apr 16, 2008 07:42

Been getting up early lately... I don't mind, but sometimes it makes for a long day...

Today I am planning to try an Aqua lite aquafitness class at the rec centre that is closest to us - about 10 minutes away. In the past we've gone to the only morning class on Sundays at another facility closer to downtown, but I want to check out this one as it is closer to home. I also think I could fit in a class a few times a week in the morning once my contract starts. I'm a little nervous as I get anxious in doing new things but I will see how this goes. Might seem silly to some, but I just get nervous when I try something new.

So I went to my emissions appointment on Monday, got there a little early and since I didn't think they would take me earlier than my appointment I parked in the Pet Smart lot across the street to enjoy some sunshine before the appointment at 1pm. Well I went to start the van up again at 12:40pm, and of course, Murphy's law; it wouldn't start... I freaked out as I thought it would be so silly if I had to have it towed across to the dealership where Sean bought his car - it is not a Ford dealership, so I doubt they would have been able to do much either... so I called Sean, got upset, and he was going to call them to see if maybe they could come look at it... a few minutes later, I checked to see if perhaps I hadn't moved the gear shift all the way over before turning it off, or if the radio would come on since it might be the battery... so sure enough about five minutes later I was able to get it to start and drive over...

I parked, turned it off and turned it back on again to check.... no problems... so I called Sean back to apologize for freaking out - he was on lunch with his co-workers - good thing he works with people he's known most of his life... They took the van in pretty much right away, and instead of the 30 - 45 minutes they said the emissions would take, it was about 20 minutes... Of course, the mechanic thought it was funny to joke about getting bad news - I was petrified it wouldn't pass since it is so old although it is mostly in good shape - so the lady I had to pay for the test was frustrated about having to give me bad news until she looked at the form and noticed it passed - YAY! From there, I drove to the license bureau to renew my license plate as it was due this week. I could not believe how busy the office was for the middle of the day, as the line was out the door. Well I'm glad it is all taken care of for a year, and hope I don't need an emissions test again next year... I'm hoping eventually I will be able to afford a newer vehicle, as this one was a hand me down from my parents and quite old although working well most days.

I was able to enjoy the rest of the day, the weather was crisp and sunny - just chilly in the shade. It was nice to have the window down, the radio playing and some time to myself. I got back in time to watch mr. Z while his sister was picked up at the bus stop from school, but with the nice weather, his dad had taken him outside to enjoy the fresh air too.

Watched American Idol last night, I really like David Cook, Carly Smithson and Sayesha Mercado... can't wait for Kristy Lee Cook to get voted off although she wasn't quite terrible in last night's performance, so perhaps she will escape the cut again. I was a great fan of the musical guest, Mariah Carey, in the 90s and remembered how much I enjoyed her earlier songs as some of them were sung by the contestants last night... brought back some memories of good times... I will give her new single a listen and hope it is more like her older music which I enjoy a lot more then her later stuff... I am guessing she will perform the new song tonight as her new album was released yesterday.

Okay, well I'm off to enjoy the day :)

idol, van, april 2008, rowann

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