A Fun Meme...

Jul 30, 2007 14:09

Here's how it goes...
I got the letter "G" from
I am to post 10 things that mean something to me that start with the letter "G", and explain their significance.
If you would like to play, comment here to request a letter.
I will give you a letter, you will post 10 things in your journal that start with that letter and explain their significance.

My 10 things beginning with the letter "G"...

I had to think about G words, it wasn't easy to come up with 10 that would mean something to me, but once I started thinking about it, it surprised me of what came up.

Growth - Whether I am learning new things about the world around me, about myself and my abilities, or just seeing my niece and nephew grow every day; I am amazed by Life. I enjoy knowing how far I've come and hope that I continue to grow in my thinking, as well as, my relationship with those I love and care for. I love that I can see growth in my writing, in my crafting abilities, just little things that make me smile.

Generations - I might not have always understood or agreed with my mother but I love the relationship we've grown into over the years... and I really love that my sister and I still have her in our lives in our 30s. I enjoy seeing my mom, my sister and I interacting with my niece and nephew as 3 generations of our family :)

Giving - There is nothing better than giving - whether it be love, a kind word, the gift of friendship, or just the free time to catch up over coffee with a good friend.

Gifts - I am blessed that I have the gift of writing, the gift of love in my life and many other little gifts that I probably don't honor enough on a daily basis. I enjoy that I believe in some spiritual gifts as well and not only my faith in God, but also the universe... As well, I love giving gifts, and at Christmas, although I'm a kid at heart, I love seeing the smiles when others open their presents. I also love the surprise of a gift that is not expected... then the thought that was involved is even more appreciated!

Gadgets - How could I forget this - I love gadgets - and they don't just have to be technological ones... I don't know if I could live without my mp3 player, or my cell phone - although I'm sure if I had to, I'd find a way to adjust. I love our PS2 gaming and dvd player, ooooh and my coveted laptop that took me a  year to pay off but was a very grown up,  happy purchase of mine :) I love seeing the new things out there, and one day I'll cave and prolly buy a pretty pda of some sort.

Generosity - I've always been brought up to believe that no matter what you have, be thankful because there is always someone out there that is worse off. Because of this, I've always tried to be generous with what I do have - material as well as emotionally and spiritually.

Glue - Okay so a bit of a stretch but I was trying to come up with something that reflected my love of arts and crafts. Lately I've been trying some new mediums to stick to things - mod podge for an ornament project as I try to stretch my imagination... I've never been a very coordinated person, but I have always enjoyed creating. Whether it be a scrapbook layout with photos I love to take, or just a simple crafting project that I've come up with for my 5 year old niece and I to take on together like painting a wooden frame for her mom, or just making a card, I always enjoy seeing the finished piece.

Glitter - I'm never one to wear much makeup on a daily basis, but whenever I'm going out, the makeup I do have usually has a touch of glitter in it as I think it's pretty. I love sparkly colors when I'm crafting or even just in writing in my journal. I like making jewelery with glittery beads as well. And when I used to go to raves with a great group of friends in the Toronto area, I always had many glitter t-shirts and normally had glitter in my hair as well as many of the events we attended were by Purple Heaven's production company which mostly had a theme of angels at most parties... I don't rave anymore, but I will always treasure the adventures those times brought me and how they opened me up to try new things and not be so scared of people I don't know and other subcultures which don't just include ethnicity. I already loved music when I was into this scene, but I love seeing the dj's spin and my friends would always get a kick out of the fact of how close I'd want to be so I could see the dj spinning as we danced in our group. As well, I loved how accepting this subculture was to every type of person who went as even though some would be experimenting in drugs, many of the people were just there for their love of music.

Games - Board games, computer games or our PS2 are all things I enjoy to do in my spare time - my sister enjoys scrabble and we always have fun coming up with words for it, Sean and I play monopoly and it's quite competitive most times as I love to win this game. I have really good memories of card games from my family as my aunt and uncle would often come over for a game of hearts. I haven't played it in a while but cribbage with another uncle was something I enjoyed too. And in the few years I've been playing poker recreationally, I've learned alot as well. My favorite PS2 game is Tiger Woods Golf, but I also really like my Finding Nemo game as I loved the movie too!

And last but not least, I had to get this in - Galapagos Islands

I say this because I love turtles and travelling and I was trying to find something that could show such a huge love of mine with a G :) I have a tattoo of a turtle on my right shoulder as it is a sign of strength and reminds me of the growth I've gone through in coming through some of the things I have been through in life. And I love islands, I hope to travel the Carribean and would love to see this island as well one day where so much beautiful nature exists...

So there you go - 10 words that express me with the letter G :)

rowann, meme, g, 2007, july

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