Ain't no sunshine when it rains...

Jul 24, 2006 15:13

So I slept a lil better last night as the advil I took before bed seemed to begin to work after an hour of being uncomfortable as I lay in bed.

I told Sean I'd go to the Dentist, and I hate them so he knew I must have been hurting to agree to go. I've never had good experiences with them as my teeth have always been a problem. I had too many teeth as a child and nowhere for them to all fit. When I was  8 years old, I had 8 teeth removed in one appointment (because of my dislike of needles and dentists) so that there would be room for my adult teeth in the future. However, over the years, my wisdom teeth have been pushing on my gums and I think they have finally decided they are coming out without any room for them... and this mess has created a very painful abscess (sp?)...

I know this as I decided instead of procrastinating to go to the doctor on my way back from an interview this morning. It was early, so I didn't have to wait long and the doctor prescribed an antibiotic and then told me to go see a dentist once the infection clears up... and I plan to this time - I'm covered under Sean's benefits as we added me once we realized I didn't have benefits for a month or so... So I am not going to be a chicken any longer and I'll make an appointment to go see Sean's dentist next week... nothing like a good dose of pain to motivate me.

So when I finally got home from my  interview and the walk in clinic, it was close to 11:30am, I called my mom and talked to her as she told me to go to the doctor when I spoke to her last night. Part of me just wanted her to know I listened to her advice, of course she was right... So we caught up a bit and then I whined a bit about how I hadn't heard from Dell about the position I applied for - so she suggested I call them. Well I figured I'd call them after lunch, and I was just getting settled for a bit of a nap when the phone rang: I was successful - and I have a conditional offer of employment - I am so excited! Not just to know I'll have a good paying interesting job where I can learn about things that interest me, but that it is a great company to work for and all the people I've interacted with there so far have been amazing. Now the conditions are meeting their criminal background check and references but I doubt there will be any issues as I've had one done for both of the jobs I've had in the last few years.

So tentatively I begin work on the 8th of August!!! Training is 3 - 5 weeks of technical information. I have to go in tomorrow morning to sign papers and accept the offer formally but I already accepted it over the phone. The HR person wanted to know if I wanted time to think about it. This is the job I was really hyped about if I didn't hear from the gov't position anytime soon... This is going to be such an amazing learning experience, I just couldn't pass it up... Woohoo!

dell, teeth, work, july

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