brrrrrrrrrrrng... brrrrrrrrrrng...

Jul 21, 2006 10:42

So I think I am going craZy...

Last night I was restless, I didn't get to bed til 4am and I was up again at 8:45am... I just couldn't sleep and I wasn't extremely tired til it got closer to 4am... I did some posting, played some online poker, checked out ebay... even did some work on some more employment applications...

I have been waiting to hear about the position I applied for with Dell all week, so maybe that is the real reason I am restless... I really want the position - the interview and testing seemed to go well; and they said they would call within 3-5 days either way. It would be a position I would be learning in, I'd have to buckle down and learn some skills as I went along but the training and the center seem to be great. The interviewer really made me feel at ease, so I tried to answer the questions the best I could and was even honest that I don't know as much about hardware as I do about software...

So people, what is taking so long!!! Call me and let me know, I hate waiting...

I also applied to a position that is open at my sister's work in her department instead of one of the other parts of her company which is more sales oriented that I didn't seem to qualify for. I would love this job as for the most part the hours aren't too erratic and the pay rate is extremely good. I just need to find something soon before I go stir crazy - I am almost at the point where I am going to submit to working at the Subway in the Macs convenience store behind our apartment building as they are always desparate for employees... Although I am hoping something will pan out before I go do that... in fact I even applied for a management position with Blockbuster, something I swore I would never do again after my 5 yrs with the company before moving back to Ottawa. At least a mgr position pays better than some of the other things out there and although the hours were long, I'd have benefits and the pay would not be minimum wage...

Well we'll see what happens...

In other news, I met up with my niece and sister yesterday to watch my niece during my sister's second ultrasound yesterday. The baby seems to be moving quite a bit and everything seems alright, so we're happy for good news, however no news of the sex yet. My sister thinks it's a boy, I wouldn't be surprised if it was; but another girl would be nice too. However as long as the baby is healthy, it doesn't really matter.

Ah well, lots to do as I am trying to pack a little at a time for our move into the house, I'm so very glad we were approved, now hopefully we can move in a few days early so moving is not too hectic...

baby, work, july

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