Survey says...

May 25, 2006 11:58

Well since I am home and was waiting for the workmen to finish replacing both of our toilets as there seemed to be a leak that was raining on the tenants below us, I took the time to fill this out, stolen from

Name: Carolyn

Brothers: none

Sisters: Barbara (the baby girl), Laura & Kim (step-sisters)

Eye color: Blue

Shoe size: 8 1/2 or 9 depends on the shoe.

Height: 5'4"

Innie or Outie: Innie

What are you wearing right now?: Tank top and shorts

Where do you live?: Ottawa, Ontario

Righty or lefty: Righty

Best place to go for a date:  I'm biased but I'd have to say the Second Cup.

Numbers: 9

Boys Name: Jonathan

Girls Name: Emma

Drink: Yummy Strawberry Daiquiri or Tequila Rosa... mhmmmmmm...

Month: June

Juice: Apple or 'le happy jus'

Breakfast: french toast
6 Things You Couldn't Live Without:

1. Family
2. Friends
3. Writing
4. Music
5. Sunshine
6. The beach, I miss it so...

6 Things in Your Bedroom:
1. Bed
2. dresser
3. laptop computer
4. jewellery box
5. cpap machine
6. dehumidifier

Have You Ever..

Smoked: Not unless you count the dandelions... ;)

Bungee jumped: Nope, pretty much afraid of heights.

Made yourself throw-up: Once.

Gone skinny dipping: No, can't say that I have.

Loved someone so much it made you cry: Who hasn't ?

Broken a bone: Not one.

Played Truth or Dare: Yes.

Been in a police car: Does a detective's car count ? If so, yes, but we were on a stake out with the detective and my mom to find the young girls who beat me up and threatened my sister's life when I was 12.

Been on a plane: A few times.

Came close to dying: Yes.

Been in a sauna: Yes.

Been in a hot tub: Yes.

Swam in the ocean: Yes and can't wait to again...

Fallen asleep in school: Oh yeah...

Broken someone's heart: Maybe.

Cried when someone died: Yes.

Cried in school: Yes.

Fell off your chair: Yes.

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: maybe for a lil while, but not all night.

Been cheated on: No.

What is...

What's your room like: Messy, I have laundry - dirty and clean in  various piles... but I did some spring cleaning today so hopefully it'll get better!

What is the last thing you ate: Peanut butter and banana sandwich and apple juice.

What kind of shampoo do you use: It's something fruity, but varies from time to time...
Ever Had...

Chicken pox: Yes.

Sore throat: Too many.

Stitches: Yes.

Broken nose: No.
Do You...

Believe in love at first sight: Not really

Like picnics: Yes, except when it rains... :(

Like school: I did except for my Uni program.


Who was the last person you called: Mom.

Who was the last person to call you: Barbara

Who makes you smile: Darling Miss Kay, Sean

Did you last yell at: I don't know, but I don't  usually yell, I usually just raise my voice a bit.

Broke your heart: N. and R.  Thankfully Sean helped me mend it :)

Told you they loved you?: Kayleigh, Sean

Do you like filling these out: As a major procrastinator, I don't mind...

Do you wear contact lenses or glasses: Neither, although if I drive I need glasses for distance.

Do you like yourself: Most of the time.

Do you get along with your family: Most of the time

Final Questions:

What are you listening to right now: "Oh What A Night" (The Nylons)

What did you do yesterday?: Enjoyed my 3 year anniversary with Sean, then went shopping with my sister and my niece.

Hated someone in your family: Before I grew up, I had tendencies to be frustrated with and dislike my parents; but I never hated them.

Where do you want to get married: I can't decide - either Somewhere tropical on the beach or in Knox church in Vankleek Hill by my friend's dad who is a retired Presbyterian Minister

Good driver?: I'm usually a lil rusty as I don't drive very often.

Diamond or pearl: Diamonds

Are you oldest?: Yes, if you don't count my stepsisters Laura and Kim who are 10 and 8 years older than me. So if you count them then I was the oldest until I was about 13.

Indoor or outdoor: Indoor... but it depends where outdoors...

Today did you...

1. Talk to someone you liked: Definitely

2. Buy something: No, we went shopping yesterday.

3. Get sick: No

4. Sing: In the shower as always ;)

8. Talked to an ex: Nope.

9. Miss someone: Yes.

Last person who...

10. Was in your bed? It better be Sean, but Kay has a sleepover every once in awhile.

11. Saw you cry: Sean.

12. Made you cry: Extreme Makeover Home Edition - Ty.

13. Went to the movies with: Sean - Inside Man...

14. You went to the mall with: the mall? Barbara and Kayleigh last night

15. where'd it go?: I haven't lost my mind yet...

16. Ever been in a fight with your pet: No

17. Been to California: No, sadly.

18. Been to Mexico: No.

19. Been to Canada: Yup! And I've lived in 2 of our provinces :)

20. Been to Hawaii: No


21. Do you have a crush on someone: My honey.

22. What books are you reading now: Angela's Ashes

23. Best feeling in the world: Knowing how much the boy loves me, the moment Kayleigh was born, her first smile, yeah... every moment with her.

24. Future Kids names: Emma, Elizabeth

25. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Not anymore.

26. What's under your bed: Socks that seem to escape...

27. Favorite sport to watch: Hockey!!!

28. Favorite location? The beach or a coffee shop.

29. Piercing/Tattoos: 1 tattoo and 2 sets of ear piercings.

30. What are you most scared of right now: Not finding a job.

32. Who do you really hate?: Hating someone is just a waste of time. However, I dislike the things my grandmother does.

33. Do you have a job?: Not at the moment.

35. Have you ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with?: Yeah...

37. Are you lonely right now: No

39. have you ever played strip poker?: Nope

43. Have you ever been in a mosh-pit: Yes.

44. Ever liked someone but thought they'd never noticed you?: Yeah...

45. Favorite Sport?: Is swimming a sport... I'm not very athletic.

What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: Eyes

Your Favorite Food?: My mom's cooking, seafood.

Have you ever cried for no reason? Not usually

Are you too shy to ask someone out? I have been in the past.

Hugs or kisses?: Both!

Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn?: plain

Favorite Flower?: yellow roses

Have you ever been fired?: Not yet!

Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car?: I like road trips as you can go anywhere, but after getting used to it finally, I really enjoyed flying too.

How many pillows do you sleep with?: 2, sometimes 3 if I can steal Sean's in the middle of the night. :)

Phew... it really was a long one!

may, survey

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