New Neurologist

Jun 13, 2008 21:31

Anybody that knows me knows of the eternal struggle between MS and crappy Neurologists. I got my new one last week. She is a woman (duh! like the she did not give that away!) and she spotted where I was having pain the most and also the spacisity -- cool I am a spaz! She is very pretty - either from Trinadad Tobago or she is a Hinu. She spotted my eye issues rigt away and my muscle spasms too. I have NEVER felt more comfortable with my NEUROs. She is making sure that I see 10,00 specialists this week - urologist on Wednesday etc. I get to go to this one by myself YAY ME - YAY MINI COOPER S. Steve refuses to accept that this is pretty much inevitable. We go to Disney World in September (over my biiiirrrrrthday on the 9th) and I am pretty positive I need to consider getting a wheelchair or somethings before we go. He thinks this is admitting defeat. I say it is being prepared. Trust me 6 weeks of standing and teaching were a pain in the ass. I take way too much vicodan and flexeril. I just made a new medic ID bracelet and realized that all my meds barely fit on the back. I wonder some days if it is all worth it. I can still walk pretty well. Granted, I have days where I fall really well too. Do I give in? If I do, I may lose the car and be forced to get something more practical. My right arm is great and I have no problems with the clutch etc. I just am not sure if I can walk Disney World anymore.
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