A New Year

Jan 09, 2017 19:17

Hi everybody, I hope that you had a great holiday season and a very happy new years. I still don't start classes until next week, so I have been more than a little lazy, but let me fill you in on my holiday happenings. I will start with Kit and I celebrating our two year anniversary, which we did a couple days before the actual date. We had heard that this very old restaurant in the Drake Hotel called Cape Cod which would be closing after the new year. The place had been open since 1933 and we decided we wanted to eat there while we still could. So we did and it was lovely. We got each other sweatshirts as gifts since the year is cotton. Plus having our anniversary right before Christmas is difficult money wise, so it is good that the gifts start off cheap :-)
That was nice, and soon after we packed up our car with Christmas gifts, dogs, my step daughter and our things and headed to Columbus to be with family. It was a great trip, got to spend time with all of my step kids and my step granddaughter, got to see my mom and dad and sister and niece, got lots of nice gifts and people seemed to like what I had gotten them. After Christmas I had set up a photography session for the family (Kit and the kids and the baby) to get some family pictures. I think it went well, we are skyping with the photographer tomorrow to look at the results. Then we headed home and had a nice fun and easy New Years Eve. We went to our local drinking spot like we did last year, it is within walking distance of our place so we can just enjoy ourselves and walk home. It is still weird though that we see it turn midnight in the east before it does here, kind of surreal. Otherwise I have been hibernating away from the bitter cold until I start classes again next week. I am actually looking forward to starting, because after this semester I graduate, then the scary stuff, like finding a job begins.

Unrelated to the holidays, my psychiatrist has been monitoring my health as I take my pills, and since last year around Christmas I had started gaining weight non stop, no matter what I did. So she decided to switch my medication because the one I was on was known to cause weight gain. So I have been in the process of switching over for almost two weeks and oh my I can already tell the difference! My appetite it so much lower than it was before, and I seem to be maintaining an ok level of anxiety, the real test of the new meds will be when I have stressful homework to do. I hope it works out well.
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