Does it make you sad to know that life is more than who we are?
Yes, every day. Not much going on in life right now, working on my personal statement for gradschool, avoiding studying for my GRE by saying I need to get this done first (which is, I guess, true because I do have to have time for someone to edit it) freaking out because my first application is due in like two weeks and I haven't gotten my sample writing back from my Philosophy professor. Oh well, I will try not to stress myself out about it, what happens is what happens.
I love my new iPod classic, I subscribbed to about a billion npr podcasts last night, they are all free and I don't need to worry about missing my favorite shows when they are on the radio, they just automatically download to my itunes and I can listen to them on my pod any time I is helping to keep me current, awesome.
I watched two movies last night, one I had DVRed a couple of weeks ago because I hadn't seen it before and there is nothing on TV around the holidays
I have always liked Adam Sandler, but I didn't want to see this movie because it seem so cliche...and it was, but it was still good. I actually cried towards the end, I haven't cried with a movie in a while (I have been avoiding depressing movies though) but it was kind of nice to get that sad emotional thing going on, while still laughing at many parts as well.
Then I watched my DVD of
God I love this movie, it is one of my favorites of all time and I can't even say why...I have some ideas, the acting is great, it makes me think, I can't wrap my head around the characters entirely, Maggie Gillenhall is hot as hell, I have never seen another movie like it, it is wildly entertaining different and sexy...seriously, if you haven't seen it you should.
Gearing up for an end of the year post tomorrow...I have been avoiding that to.