My parents are returning from Europe today. I will be leaving work around 4:30 to pick them up from the airport. I am really happy to have them back, it means I am done with house sitting, running that small zoo, and it means I get to back home to my old place, no more tight routine, no more running around...I am looking forward to it.
Also this Sunday I don't have rehearsal, and Brad isn't coming into town...I have a whole entire day to do with as I will....that is so weird...I don't even have a clue of what to do with it. All I do know is that I don't want to sleep all day and waste it!
So, I went home for lunch today, get the last bit of things cleaned up before my parents arrive, and I saw my cat Brother Cat (yes, Brother Cat is his name, there was a Sister Cat (his actual sister) but she got hit by a car a long time ago) doing the strangest thing. Specifically I was in the bathroom cleaning the counter, and he went in the shower, sniffed the drain a bit, then squated and peed right on the drain. Seriously, I have never seen him do anything like this before...I have seen video's of cats that are potty trained....but shower drain trained...not even trained...instinctual. He smelled it first...was there a mark already there that he was trying to cover...have other of my cats been peeing on that drain? Seriously weird.
I listen to the radio while I am at work, a station called Mix 97.1 80's, 90's, Now because it is decent music without rap (which I don't think the rest of my office would appreciate). I have noticed not only does this station play the song Jesse's Girl everyday (which I think I actually made a post about), but it plays Bon Jovi every day too. At least once a day, usually more, usually they will play a newer song, and later in the day sometimes several older tunes. I am not saying I don't enjoy the music, I just think it is weird....why Bon Jovi? I mean, there isn't any other artist that they play consistantly like that...weird.
So I wanted to write about this, and totally forgot, and remembered, and now I am writing about it. My grandfather went to go see Our Town during its run, I thought it was pretty nice of him since my parents weren't around, no one was forcing him to...he even said he was bringing a friend. I didn't really get to see him during the show, cause I am busy, but Brad saw the show that night too and did get a chance to say hello, and to meet his friend whom he brought, who happened to be a female companion. I just assumed that it was his girlfriend Nan who lives in Pittsburgh, but I thought that strange cause she has only come to Columbus once and I got the impression that it wasn't going to happen again. Well, I mentioned to my mom that he was there with a lady and she said it must be his new Columbus girlfiend....what?!? My 81 year old grandfather has two girlfriends? Soon enough this will be him:
Anyways, as I mentioned before, the physical training we are doing for our production of Time and Few Words, called Suzuki Method, is very demanding. While I am there doing it, and having a hard time, I have to work hard to not start forming a bad additude about the whole thing. I suffer from chronic muscle spasms in my legs and most of the exercises utilize the lower body, specifically centered around the feet, so it totally sucks. Last time it hurt so bad, and eventually we were doing one where we had to walk on tippy toes, and my calves just gave out, I just couldn't do it. I had to sit out for a moment and almost started to cry. That is my instict, when something gets hard, when I don't feel like I can do it, I cry. When I couldn't get math in school, when I couldn't read a question on a test...when I found it difficult the tears start rolling. Now that I have gotten older I cry less often (though I still do, from time to time, let the water works take over) but mostly I just get a bad additude about what I am working on, and I really do not want to do that this time. I sit there and I think that everyone is looking at me and wondering why I can't do it, and more stressed I get, the more emotional and upset that I get, and the more I try harder and harder to conscentraite, the worse I get at what I am trying to do. I don't want these people to think I am unwilling or worse, unable to do the work they have asked me to do. I don't want them to think I am a brat (which I definitely can be), and so, I am trying to grow. I just remind myself that though I can't see it, that at least someone elses must be struggling as I am...I can't be the only person finding this difficult, and if I relax and try my best, I will improve.
So now I have been practicing. I take my shoes off while I am at work, and I walk around on my tippy toes. When I am waiting for a fax to go through, I bounce on my toes and try to work my calves, stretch them out so hopefully they will always be warmer and less spasmy. I walk by the focus group mirror room and look at my shoulders...I try to make sure they are stationary but loose. If I isolate the things I have to work on, and practice them, I will get better...because giving up, not my thing.