For those of you on my flist that are Firefly/Serenity fans, there will be a Firefly/Serenity con in Los Angeles in November 2007, organized by Sean Harry of Starfury Entertainment. He's been in business for 10+ years and is putting on the VM/Prison Break con that I am attending in England this May. Apparently he's moving to the US though and has scheduled two US events for 2007 (The L Word Con and a Firefly/Serenity Con). Amy Acker will also be appearing at the Firefly/Serenity convention, even though she is a Whedonverse actor, not a Firefly/Serenity actor.
The Firefly/Serenity convention will be November 2 - 4, 2007 in Hollywood. It has not been announced when the tickets will go on sale, although Sean has mentioned it will probably be sometime next week and he will give people a few days notice.
There are two types of tickets available for this event, the Browncoat Pass,
and the Alliance Pass. Details and pricing are available