Aug 06, 2005 23:38
Guess what. I'm back. I'm alone and I am learning to accept that. I want a relationship but not at the cost of my virtue nor a facade to pass the time. But I want what Danny and Rei have. I am now facing a large war in my future. I am bipolar according to the evidence and that means the Navy wants to kick me out of the Marines. I have decided to fight to stay in. I may not have my rifle but I have my Spirit. I also have my God. Both of which are greater weapons and assets than anything that I may encounter. I can guarentee I will change. I can als guarentee my environment will change. However I do desire to rise from the ashes once more. I am defiled and I am unclean. Thus instead of pitying myelf I am now takin measures to cleanse myself and prepare myself for what is to come. I wil need the help of my friends. I wil not be able to do this one alone. Nor do I think I will be doing much of anything alone anymore. So your love and assistance even be it support is appreciated. Thank you.