Dec 21, 2004 17:11
Phinox14 [5:02 PM]: I'm sorta making people's gifts so I wanted to make sure I'd get to see you.
gingin* [5:03 PM]: oh, Boone
Phinox14 [5:03 PM]: what?
gingin* [5:03 PM]: that's so sweet
gingin* [5:03 PM]: I don't have anything for anybody
gingin* [5:04 PM]: I've been trying to make gifts since October, but nothing has gotten done
gingin* [5:05 PM]: I'd like to see you --- that'll be enough for me, hon
Phinox14 [5:05 PM]: lol
Phinox14 [5:05 PM]: be careful what you wish for..
Phinox14 [5:07 PM]: Because my immediate responce to that is how much of me do you want to see.
gingin* [5:08 PM]: tsk tsk, can't you GROW a clean mind?
gingin* [5:08 PM]: I may be an ex-fairy, but I'm not THAT kinky
Phinox14 [5:08 PM]: LMAO!
Phinox14 [5:09 PM]: once a Puck always a Puck. I am the ultimate Method Actor ^_~
*Name's changed to protect the semi-innocent.
Ginny is fun to play with. She hated it when I made passes at her back stage because of her tights. I mean she has nice legs what's a Fae to do?!