Dev Diary #1: Who Are These People...

Jun 03, 2009 21:52

...and What Do They Want with My Character?

Hi, and welcome to the first of our series of Development Diaries. The Dev Diaries, which will be posted once every five days until the start of game, and then sporadically as new metaplot information is revealed, are intended to clearly explain gameplay, rules, and parts of the world of Rowan, beyond the summaries that are already posted.

This first Dev Diary is about the Narrators. And it's about you.

The goal of this RP - and what the Narrators believe should be the goal of every RP - is for the players to have fun. Each and every part of this RP is designed for the purpose of having fun.

Therefore: though we have a very detailed world, and a metaplot, we will without hesitation kill plotlines, NPCs (possibly literally), and entire parts of the universe if they're not working out.

As might be clear from these Dev Diaries going up in the first place, we're also not completely sticking with the usual format for Livejournal or forum RPs. Both Mara and Sisi had their start roleplaying in live-action games, only later transitioning to internet or tabletop roleplaying. That means that both of us are experienced in wildly different sorts of RP, and ways that it can go wrong.

For one, if RPing is overplotted by the moderators/narrators/storytellers, it's no fun for the players. Forcing a metaplot on uninterested players, or forcing too much plot on the RP, or forcing the PCs to take a backseat to anything interesting happening in the universe - all big no-nos.

Of course, Livejournal games can often go the other way. Plotless RPs, or ones that are plotted entirely by characters, can easily fizzle out from lack of interest.

The metaplot has to be interesting, but if it isn't, we'll drop it. It has to involve the PCs, and if it doesn't, we'll fix it so that it does. In fact, in this game, we intend to have the PCs drive the metaplot whether knowingly or unknowingly.

What your characters want to see - and what you want to see - will be what takes center stage.

So, by necessity, we narrators are so very open to player feedback. Questions, comments, concerns? Email us (, IM us (chimera1070, sisipanda) and leave comments.

That's all. Thanks for reading.

dev diaries

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