Granular peacocks...

Jun 21, 2006 19:36

So, I climbed a mountain the other day. Over 3000 feet or something, took the gondola down, went to the hot springs after.
Mondays are now yoga nights.
Last night was the Theatre BBQ at the lake.
Tonight is movie night.
Tomorrow is the wigs and makeup workshop all day.
Friday is the props shopping trip to Calgary.

I do feel better now that I'm actually working on projects. Nikki was standable, but that's because we were both doing our own I think she was actually calmer today. Can you believe she used to be a character on Degrassi Junior High?? Back in her acting days.

I rented a movie (cause I can watch them on my laptop, YAY!) The Quiet Earth. It was on Bruno's list of movies I should see. I haven't been able to find it until now. Another apocalyptic movie from 1985. Pretty good actually. Heh. A guy wakes up one morning and everyone in the world is gone. He's the last man on Earth. Tries to contact people, ends up taking over a rich person's place, collects all the toys he wants, eventually goes crazy and declares himself king of the world in a crazy ceremony from his balcony where he gives a speech to all the cardboard cut-out people he could collect (including Hitler and an emu)while dressed in a torn and bloody lady's nightgown and holding a shotgun.
The movie goes downhill from there when he finds a woman and another man, they have a bit of difficulty with the threesome thing and then have to find a way to stop the sun from collapsing. Because, you see, humans all over the world had been working on a system to tap into a natural energy grid surrounding the Earth. When they finally did it somehow changed the charge of electrons which made the universe unstable. Basically destroying the grid sets the world back to normal, however it won't replace the dead people.
But then it goes back into goodness with the closing scene of him waking up on a beach alone after the explosion and slowly looking up to see a rising Saturn-like planet on the horizon behind a series of huge mushroom clouds. I don't really know what its all supposed to mean, but it looked cool and maybe I'm morbid but I liked how no one survived.
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