Willow_dragon has set me a meme to write.
I have to come up with 10 words starting with P and what those words mean to me. (hey! That rhymed! Oh boy....)
This is how it works: Comment on this entry and I will give you a letter. Write ten words beginning with that letter in your journal, including an explanation what the word means to you and why, and then pass out letters to those who want to play along.
So, here goes....
Puerile - means infantile. Which is unfortunately the behaviour of a lot of the parents who are whining at Moppet's playschool.
Potty - I'm in the process of finishing up potty training Moppet. It has not been easy and I'm glad that she's finally getting it. Still has a bit to go, but she's getting better every day.
Pretty - Moppet. (sorry, she's on my mind a LOT)
Persian - the name of a chain maille weave that I would like to learn/conquer one day.
Pie - whenever someone in the Krew forum is stymied for an answer or just wants to lighten up a thread, pie seems to be the favoured method of choice. (ie. "I like pie!") What do you expect, we're the
Pretentious - my writing style
Pompous - my verbal style when uncomfortable. I start to talk and then all these multi-syllabic words come pouring out of my mouth and I'm horrified at just how much of an ass I sound.
(three more to go....this is harder than I thought)
Persnickety - what Moppet is. She can be so tidy and proper, but if she decides to paint herself (usually her hands) she will make sure that every square millimeter is thoroughly covered in paint.
Politicians - not my favorite people. It doesn't matter how nice they are, or how grounded they seem to be. The longer they stay in office, the less in touch with their constituents they are. And the more power grabbing they get.
Puce - okay what colour is Puce anyways? I always associate it with some sort of yucky green colour (aka puke green) and now I find out that it's some sort of pink? What's up with that? Can someone enlighten me as to the origins/colour that puce really is?
There. I'm done Willow. I hope that's what you wanted.....