I am so behind in logging my days that it's not even funny, but I'm trying to catch up and post it all, I promise! The internet is spotty, so it's been frustrating, but I'll get it. Meanwhile, here are some sources where you can pick up coverage of what's currently going on at the
The Parliament of World Religions. There are about 80 pagans here, and 6 or 7 pagan presentations, most of which have been packed to the gills.
Pagan Newswire Collective's Pagans at the Parliament page The Australian Public Affairs Channel has streaming coverage
Covenant of the Goddess Interfaith Blog The Wild Hunt has been running great coverage and commentary
The young people of the New Thought movement (the folks behind the Unity Church and Religious Science, etc have set up a mobile press room in the hallway of the conference center where they are providing all sorts of great coverage through the
New Thought News Service