I just bought myself the most beautiful blue scarf.
lifeinhalifax and I were just talking about how I should wear blue by my face to really make my eyes pop. Then, in typical Mom fashion, I spent the rest of my bday money on Nathan. Mike's going to kill me. Got my present from my Mom today. She sent me a gift certificate for a 1 hour massage. That should be fun. I think I'll go do it when Mike's got a 3 day weekend and we take Nathan to Melanie's.
Had fun at bible study last night. I've said, frequently, that the Methodist Church is the "old lady" church. I tell ya what, those are the orneriest buncha old people I've ever seen! The vet here in town is in our group and he is such a character. The pastor made some really interesting observations and now I'm excited to go back and re-read Exodus with his observations in mind.
I had a drea abought Baughb the other night. In the dream I was following her into this playground. I couldn't see her and no one told me that's what I was doing, I just KNEW that's what I was doing. The playground was full of hypodermic needles, just COVERING the ground. I assume that's because of what we found out after her death about her drug use. I stepped on one and contracted AIDS. It didn't wind up mattering because the world was coming to an end the following day. It was a strange dream and I woke up feeling scared, somewhat. (Many of you know that end of the world type stuff is the one thing I just really really can't handle). But more than anything, what struck me, was how SAD I was. Like I somehow didn't manage to save Baughb. Don't have to be a shrink to figure that one out.