This is what I wrote on my Facebook this morning:
This week has been so hard. Reading the news with cheery Christmas music
about peace playing in my home felt like a mockery. It's been a rough
time to be an optimist. How can we enjoy Christmas, I've thought. And
then I remembered that in 1863, someone else felt the same way. With
war, the loss of his son in the war, the loss of his wife to a fire, and
his own body badly burned, Longfellow wrote, "There is no peace on
earth. For hate is strong and mocks the song of peace on earth, goodwill
to men." If you have felt discouraged, and I know many of us have,
please watch this. Because children are everything beautiful and
innocent about the world, this week has hurt so much. But because
children are everything beautiful and innocent about the world, I feel
we should honor their memory by refusing to give up our faith in
humanity. Anyway, watch this. It reminded me that we can still celebrate
Christmas, because it's not about everything being perfect. It's about
service. And I hope this video brings you comfort and peace today. We
were touched when we saw this live, but I find it even more touching
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