So yeah.....crappy ass week...
When I wrote my last post, I was a good way through a nasty bug that left me with a fever of 103 F and an incredibly nasty cough that sounds like I inhaled a fucking swimming pool. I spent the entire weekend in a fever induced haze, sweating and chills abound. Of course, we can all thank my friend Dizzy for giving me the damn bug to me. Then again, it is kinda my fault since I spent the entire time in her room while she was sick in the first place :\
On top of that, there was a mass power outage in the town and on campus, so we were without power from 1 pm to 6 pm on Saturday. The cause:
Evil!Squirrel on the power lines
No lie
Anywho, It was far more "fun" than just a power outage, oh no. The emergency backup power for the campus ran for about a half hour or so before it went as well. After that, all we had were fail emergency emergency lights. Of course, after four hours those went as well. By that time, the sun had gone down and the only light we had in the hallway was the red exit sign. So basically the entire thing was like a bad zombie move, with the hall looking like the road to hell.
jagged1 spent most of the time walking down the halls of the dorm with her flashlight and sword cane. Her roommate,
tacster002, and I ended following her around for shits and giggles. We ended up rigging
tacster002's room with all of our flashlights and playing Bannagrams and Apples To Apples the entire time.
So during and after that disaster I got sick, ran a fever of 103 F until Monday, and spent the entire time trying to cough up the lining of my lungs. The fever finally went down, but I'm still trying to cough my lungs out of my body. And on top of all of that, Dizzy's roommate came back this weekend sick and running a fever of 104 F. We ended up hauling her to the hospital on Sunday night. Fun timez -.-
But wait, there's more.....
I didn't go to my two classes on Monday due to the stupidly high fever I was sleeping off. And the Nyquill, I would sleep through an Apocalypse on that stuff. A giant ass snowstorm blew in on Tuesday night and didn't stop until late Wednesday afternoon. Of course we got more fucking snow -.-
Classes weren't canceled until 1 pm on Tuesday. Why? I have no fucking clue, they should have closed the college from the get-go. Had no Orgo lab, so I was pleased either way. Classes were canceled on Wednesday, and my attempts to be productive crashed and burned in a fiery blaze.
A bunch of friends and I are going to U-Con at Uconn this weekend for fun timez. We're leaving around 2:15 on Friday because Sarah has class until then, sucker. It's at the Storrs campus, so we're going to be staying at Lisa's house in Hartford.