Wow, it's that time of the year. I guess summer sucks for some people.
It's no secret that the reptile society I'm involved in is riddled in drama. Sadly, I can't seem to stay away from it.
Person A, B, C and D say something about person E, but won't tell person E about it because they either don't want to hurt their feelings, don't like that person or simply don't want to get involved, so they tell person F. Person F is an activist, also known as "Type A", and can only sit on things for so long before spreading the word. So person F emails involved parties to let opinions be known, not necessarily agreeing with their own opinion but for the sake of the sharing of knowledge.
However, some of this knowledge isn't exactly cupcakes and lollipops, and person F feels pretty sick about sending the message off. Hopefully person F doesn't read hate games into it.
And then in another scenario, Person A makes a comment that Person B responds to, and Person C misinterprets. Person D gets involved only to the extent of required responsibilities, but is blamed for making a wrong decision, which person D doesn't agree is the wrong decision. Person A didn't understand the original problem, so once Person D explains it Person B gets angry at Person D for the involvement, which was part of Person D's responsibility. Person D has no issue with any parties involved, Person A seems to think Person B hates them but carries on and Person C thinks that all comments made between Person A and B are ridiculous, childish and patronizing when there's actually nothing there.
Confused yet?
Well, welcome to my life. I'm smoothing shit out that I shouldn't be even involved in, and passing messages on between people I shouldn't be. I like helping people, but sometimes this whole helping thing turns out to be a game of who can piss who off more.
Too bad, really.
Remember this? Apparently it's a hot topic once again. The people belonging to the antagonizing memories of City Chase last year apparently are at it again, especially the lovely alcohol smelling one that can't maneuver a belt buckle well enough to wear anything besides sweat pants. He has publicly (as in on Facebook, anyways) threatened several society members, as well as the society itself, as if everyone should fear the day he decides to make his appearance known. I'm pretty sure we'll know he's coming, bad breath and all. And then HEAVEN'S NO!!! Not the GLARE of mischievous tendencies, and stupid wall posts to make when he's safely hidden behind his computer!!!
Yes, that was sarcasm, in case you missed it.
Oh, and Trevor.... yes, I know you read this. No, I don't really care -- if I did, I'd make it private. The shit you spew impresses no one, and the only reason you have people on your friends list is because you amuse people for short periods of time, or because they want to keep an eye on your because they don't trust you. Who can you call close friends? C is all you've got, and if you keep doing the shit you're doing.... you'll be lucky to walk out with a decent pair of shoes, because you can't keep treating people like dirt and expect that they like it.
My advice. From me to you. Sober up. Get some help. Maybe even some meds. I'd love to say you're only hurting yourself, but you're not. You're hurting her, too.
I called you out in public for a reason. You won't have it any other way. Yes, you said something that, at the time, hurt and struck a chord.... I look at it now and laugh, because there's no way that what you said could have rang further from the truth. You complain and moan and bitch like you could do so much better.
Then do it.
If you could get people to trust you for longer than 10 seconds.
You realize that there's a reason you are banned from so many things? It's not everyone else.
It's you. And ONLY you. Maybe once you see that as a fact, you'll be able to start helping yourself. Until then.....
I win.
(At what? I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure that I win anyways. You see, I'm pretty happy with my life. Wouldn't change much. Don't have the need to dwell on the negative or the past, threaten people I dislike, bring up situations over a year ago or anything else destructive in life.... because I have better things to do. Hopefully, one day you will, too.)
Want to pick teeth out of my face? Or shove my toenails up my nose? Or staple my hair to the driveway? Whatever. Your threats are empty, everyone knows it and no one is afraid of you.
Ok, I lied. I really, really don't want to see you in sweats anymore. There are some things that shouldn't be out in public.
Oh.... that would just be you.
So, on a completely different note but still about reptiles.....
I have 7 leopard gecko babies.... and my very first African Fat Tail Gecko..... so.... HAPPY!!!!! Pics are on Facebook. If you're not on my Facebook, keep checking my website. If you don't know my website and want to....
And on that note, it's bed time. My drama rant is done, finally.....