Baby's First LARP

Nov 19, 2005 23:38

It took a bit for me to get used to not thinking "Indy" "Alexis" "Zim" when seeing people when it started. I was amazed at how immediately people jumped into character, especially because I hadn't thought at all about how my character would ACT. I'm afraid I let my nerves hold me down a bit for most of it... until I turned impromptu spy. It was really fabulous because I didn't have to pretend to know any court protocol at all, so I didn't directly offend anyone with my "I'm snooping in on you and drawing your dress at the same time but don't think too closely on it because I'm just a silly Avalon cartographer/artist and nothing at all to worry about". They all managed to look over my shoulder during the three hours and compliment me, though. I even got a few requests for portraits, which was amazing. I think it was a good LARP for me to start with because there wasn't much I could do to affect the plot, so all of my nervous "I'm going to say something wrong and fuck over the avalon crew" stuff was kinda pointless. I greatly enjoyed pretending to moon over matt the whole time though, because he was being all "I'm a surly overzealous Eisen, damnit!" and I would look away whenever he looked my way, and any confidence I had would seem to disappear when he walked by. Fabulous. Keeping track of Dunkeen (my lovely drunken innishman) proved to be a lot of fun, though it didn't occur to me until much later in that I outranked him and could have told him off as much as "The Sir" did ("the Sir" being what I ended up calling Indy's character because I kept slipping and calling her captain... then slipped and called EVERYONE captain).

... The girls across the way in Maurer make me happy. The first week I had the dubious pleasure of watching them undress and dress every morning and evening, but we've had the shutters closed for a long time. Now I have them open enough for me to see out of when I'm sitting on my computer... and we witnessed a three person picture taking dance party with incredible moves I didn't know humans could do in such a small space. Wow.

bsffa, beloit, gaming

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