Important (and awesome) stuff pertaining to my life!

Mar 19, 2007 11:08

Oh god, I'm even more determined to go to Edinburgh now. They have an art society that holds art classes (take that, Glasgow!), and who might be able to help/guide me with my special project. They exist here:

Also! They have a science-fiction and fantasy club, which is crazy active and does all of the sci-fi-y stuff we do here (only with a bigger library of videos and books, and more drinking). they Call themselves Sciffy, and are delicious looking. They can be found here: Their forums are particularly interesting.

Sciffy linked me to another group on Edinburgh campus: Geas, the gaming society: they're running an Aberrant Game RIGHT NOW. They're also playing "Agone: Baroque Dark fantasy french game with Giants and Minotaurs and all sorts of COOOOOOl stuf", some DnD games, Call of Cthulu, and lots of things I haven't heard of. As before, their forums are entertaining (though not as much as Sciffy's are).

"GEAS is the Roleplaying Society of the University of Edinburgh. We exist to help all roleplayers (and any type of gamer) to find each other, a place to play their games, and to generally make gaming fun in Edinburgh. While the society primarily exists to provide facilities for students and staff at the University, we also have a large contingent of non-university members and links with many other groups in and around Edinburgh, such as the card gaming, wargaming and science fiction/fantasy societies at Edinburgh and other Universities.

Our main service is to provide rooms twice a week where our members can meet, as well as a large library of roleplaying books. We try to foster a society where gamers can meet with each other and find other people who share their passions. With over 100 members of different ages and nationalities playing a wide range of games, we seem to be achieving this."

NOT TO MENTION that Edinburgh has a Visual Arts Research Institute ( that looks like exactly what I'm looking to work with for my project. Superb!

*does a crazed chuckle and can't stop for minutes on end*

sci-fi, special project, edinburgh, art, gaming

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