(no subject)

Oct 05, 2009 19:43

I'll post a full review when I finish it, but so far Norse Code is fantastic. It's well written and well paced. As far as I can tell, the story is told from the implied perspective of Hugin (or Reason or Thought), one of the Ravens of Odin, which is terribly interesting. It's set in a world three years into Ragnarok (or leading up to it - three years of ever-longer winters with no summers, and the world definitely starting to go to Hel). Rookie, if what I've seen in the first 100 pages is any indication, I think you'd really like it, and you should definitely look it up. If I can find it in the only bookstore on an island in the middle of a lake, I'm sure you can find it somewhere nearby (or, I guess, on the internet).

Om nom nom books!

In other news, I'm pretty unhappy. I don't know if it's being out here on the island, or that it's fall, or that it reminds me of Scotland, or if it's hormonal, or if I'm honestly just sad. I've just lost all patience for my boss and my job. I don't have the energy to explain simple things like how to bounce a ball to make it light up (hint: just fucking drop it, it'll do it on its own).

Oh. Pixel just had a sneezing fit - she sneezed literally 16 times in rapid succession. Concerned, I went over to her and petted her. She seemed kind of shaken so I picked her up - and promptly noticed that she had shit herself sneezing, and I was now holding a palmful of steaming cat shit smeared all over my hand, and Pixel (clearly ashamed) clawed her way out of my hands, leaving shitty footprints all the way to the bathroom, where she finished her business, sniffing sadly.

*sigh* fml.
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