
Sep 27, 2009 21:17

I just noticed that when I left off posting earlier this year, I left off updating portraits I had done of friends at some lame number. So here are some more (maybe the rest? I will need to check on this). A word of warning, though! there are 22 pictures under there. Man! That is a lot of faces!

If any of you are uncomfortable with me listing your name on here, let me know and I'll fix that sass!

Here is Becca (do any of you know her? Becca Minor? She is great.

Leah Knowles, drawn across the room during senior sem. last year.

Alexis Cohen-Pena, drawn that same lesson (she was raging about something, I think about our professors not understanding that we think the final project is scary and important)

Ted Bottoms! Drawn at lunch later that same day!

A not so great likeness of the inestimable Miss Shira Pittle!

Here is what Sarah Coombs might look like if her face were covered in dirt.

Here's Joe! My coworker from the Neese Theatre.

The lovely Kristen McCarthy! I'm not convinced I spelled her name right.

Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis Ritenour! The best room mate ever xoxoxoxo

Chris Hotz, hanging out in 3rd floor lounge

Lisa Haines-Wright, one of the most spectacular professors I have ever had a chance to learn from.

Here is a better picture of Becca. It was drawn in the same class as my drawing of Lisa <3

Zim! I think he was watching a movie at the time. I got super lazy with his hair.

Hey look, it's another drawing of Daniel! I hear I might be in love with him or something.

Here is maybe the worst picture of the bunch. I'm sorry Zach, you deserve better. I'll give it another go when I see you next.

In contrast, here is one of the most successful portraits. This is Zee, who has more to her name but I've forgotten what she ended up deciding on.

Noelle! Look at her hair - isn't she beautiful?

possibly my favorite person, Lex Cashore, looking impish and lovely

Nicolai Levin! Quite apart from being friends, he also makes #3 of my theatre coworkers to end up here (Becca and Joe being the other two)

Josh! Daniel's roomie and an awesome person all around!

Jinx Nelson! I miss him dearly, but he's living in New York, being awesome and wonderful and I wish I were there <3

Robyn Nadolny, Jinx's spectacularly gorgeous girlfriend who also happens to be a wonderful artist and biologist!

Not Pictured For Some Reason: a pretty good drawing of Fro-Matt Flynn. It was drawn at the same time as Jinx and Robyn's so it really ought to be here.
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