In which Maggie reveals another portrait, and is nostalgic

Feb 19, 2009 13:31

My life has been remarkably happy lately. I think it might be an unnatural reaction to stress, or maybe because I have at least a little bit of my life planned past graduation. This summer, I'll be working on Mackinac Island, having one fantastic summer as a kid before I don't get summers anymore*. I'm financially secure, and mostly emotionally secure, too. I have a date and place for my senior show, which will involve storytelling in some fashion. I'm feeling pretty on top of everything, even though I'm taking six classes.

Augh! This all sounds to boring. It's a summary of my life, not what I'm thinking or who I am.

The weather is nostalgic. Or maybe it's just catching up with people, reminding me of what I love about them. For example, Lex posted about the snow and how magical it was. When it snowed here, I thought of her, and how we would have slipped out into it and rejoiced in it. Gordon wrote about what a Sunday would have been like if he were still in Beloit, and it struck me as a totally different place than this one. I want desperately to have dinner with Gordon and Netta and Lex in their apartment. I've never had such good - and different - food in a consistent basis. Netta was always surprising me with new delicious things I'd never thought I'd like. I'd love to have Lex ask me what kind of tea I'd like. I miss her living in lounge single.

When I first met Gordon, he was in his bathrobe, and I was in a bright green shirt, and he complimented me on the color. They didn't make shirts in that color for men, he said. I was in Andy's room at the time, the first time he had the dungeon.

I've lost most of my connection with Lex. I have difficulty finding time to visit Madison**, even if she's free, and she;s so popular that when she comes back to Beloit to visit, asking for alone time is laughable. Too many people are in love with her. I miss her sorely as a friend, and wonder desperately sometimes if our relationship will ever approach that kind of closeness again. It seems unlikely, and that makes me pitifully sad.

I haven't lost my connection with Gordon, he's just very far away, and difficult to contact. I find him impossible to ignore even in my thoughts. I'm still uncovering his influence on me in most everything I do. He and Netta inspired a remarkable kind of wonder in me when they were here. There's a kind of speech and thought pattern I slip into when I think about them. Netta makes me feel sisterly and warm, and talk like fool. Gordon, especially now that I've had a few more Lisa classes and mentally grown up a little, removes all of the familiarity from words and art, and lets me see things with new eyes every time. I think I channel him when I'm at my most creative/introspective. I miss them both, and that year, bitterly.

And all of this comes from the weather. A day that started out gloomy and grey, that peeked briefly into sunshine, and then began to snow.


Here's the next portrait (of mara) that I promised, and some other art too.

Mara, reading, and some other art,

One of my concept sketches for a project last term/my senior show

Another of the same

I think that's about all I can handle today.

*of course I'll still have Summer, I just won't have little summers any longer.
** Lex - Zim, Mara, Daniel, and I are going to try our very best to be in Madison this weekend, Sat. night to Sunday noonish. Are you free?

senior show, portraits, art

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