No faces?

Jan 25, 2006 12:59

There are no faces in my livejournal.
Maybe I should change it. Mix it up.

Is there too much black?

Garden State is a REALLY good movie.
So is Gladiator.. and I Hear Huckabees (though I haven't seen that in ages)
I should watch it.

Someone set off a smoke bomb in the hallway.
It reeaks in here now, I'm surprised the smoke-detector didn't go off.
It did when we smoked... once.

There are three people standing on top of a quarry.
Two guys and a girl. Definately.

I miss Eric and Rachel.. they are two of the coolest people I know.
Quentin lives closer to them now than I do.
Quentin is being sucked out of my life, like poison is drawn from a wound.

I'm not sure what that meant.
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