Nov 25, 2008 22:41
I was chatting away to the Lovely Amy when I was reminded of the sorry state that I have never received a mix CD, or its predecessor the mix tape1, as a gift. Of course this situation is likely to have arisen by the general apathy I show towards music and the fact that many of my friends were not significant music fans themselves, or at least not the form of music that one puts onto a mix CD.
Over time I have allowed myself to become enlightened to the ways of music and have what one may call a music 'collection'. My taste is somewhat varied and so in the style of one of these meme things I thought it would be of interest2 to post my top 10 tunes according to some software from Apple that I use to organise my songs.
Unfortunately the scientist in me notes that in fact the 'top ten' indicates solely the number of times the songs have been played, clearly giving preferential weighting to songs which have been on my machine longer. Also songs at the beginning of albums are more likely to be played than those at the end. Songs which are in my playlists will get played more and so on3. Really this whole thing is terribly unscientific but until I can invent some suitable handicapping system it will have to do. But I digress:
In reverse order my top played songs are:
10 - Poison (Alice Cooper)
A marvellous song which gets dragged out when I'm feeling a bit rocky. It features in a playlist simply entitled "Grrrr"
9 - Blister in the Sun (Grosse Point Blank soundtrack)
Excellent soundtrack which I'm currently 'borrowing from my ex-flatmate'
8 - California (Joni Mitchell)
Quite a few Joni Mitchell songs in this top ten. I have had the CD for quite a while so it's the whole unfair weighting thing. That said I listen to the album a lot cos I quite like it. It features in a playlist entitled "Quiet" which is suitable for restful moments or book reading
7 - Shake your tailfeather (Blues Brothers Soundtrack)
A truly truly awesome soundtrack whcih I am also currently 'borrowing from my ex-flatmate'. Unfortunately this song does actually cause me to shake my tailfeather, an unfortunate situation when one does it in a First Class train carriage.
6 - Boy in the Bubble (Paul Simon)
One of my first albums, I think this was one or two. Probably two, I think Pulp Fiction was my first. Also features in the Quiet playlist.
5 - She caught the Katy (Blue Brothers)
And left me a mule to ride...
4 - Court and Spark (Joni Mitchell)
3 - Little Green (joni Mitchell)
I had to listen to this to remind myself what it was. Turns out I just didn't know the name
2 - Graceland (Paul Simon)
1 - I can see clearly (Grosse Point Blank soundtrack)
Bit of a surprise that one. I suspect it wouldn't be top if things were counted properly.
I have also got a playlist of "Least Recently Played" songs, to ensure that songs do not get forgotten. Unfortunately it is largely occupied with Sweeney Todd which I listen to regularly on the ipod, but of course that doesn't get counted, which just goes to show how inaccurate the whole thing is.
1 - A 'tape' was a device for storing music. The music was held digitally on a magnetic tape which rotated within the body of a cassette. It was all terribly mechanical.
2 - largely to me
3 - Most annoyingly it doesn't count how many times they are played on my ipod, which I use far more regualrly as a music providing medium than the computer itself